How to extend your Windows Server's disk partition to its full storage

Created on 2022-05-25 Updated on 2024-01-09

Did it come to your attention that your Overlaxed Windows Server(s) is provided with a default 50GB disk missing the rest of the storage size? that's because Windows does not extend the disk automatically from the default 50GB size to the assigned size.

Here is a step-by-step on how to extend your disk to the full storage size:

  • Go to "Disk Management" by right-clicking on the Windows icon, then "Disk Management"  OR by using the search bar
  • If you see a "Recovery Partition" Disk next to your (C:) Drive Disk, Do This:

1. Right-click the Start menu and select Windows PowerShell (Admin) or Command Prompt (Admin).

2. Type "diskpart" and press Enter

3. Type "list disk" and press Enter.

3. A list of disks displays, type "select disk #" (where # is the number of the disk with the recovery partition) and press Enter.

4. Type "list partition" and press Enter.

5. A list of partitions is displayed. Type "select partition #" (where # is the number of the recovery partition) and press Enter.

6. Type "delete partition override" and press Enter.

Video Guide:

  • If you don't see a "Recovery Partition" Disk next to your (C:) Drive Disk, Right-click on your  (C:) Drive Disk, click "Extend Volume..."
  • Press Next until you reach Finish, click it.
  • Done. You should see all your disk storage now on your (C:) Drive

This is how you extend your disk partition to its full size whether it's with the "Recovery Partition" Disk or without.

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