I have a question, request or suggestion that is not available here, how and when can I reach you? - Official Help Center

I have a question, request or suggestion that is not available here, how and when can I reach you?

Recently Updated Updated on 2024-09-04

If you did not find the answer you're looking for here, you can get in touch with a support agent directly by submitting a ticket on this help center.

How to open a ticket:

  1. Open this link: support.overlaxed.com
  2. Type in your Subject - Priority - Department (Based on the nature of your question) - Message - If Applicable: Hostname of each Server(s) - If Applicable: Order(s)/Invoice(s) ID
  3. Please provide a detailed message, including any pertinent information such as the hostname of the relevant server(s), corresponding screenshots (Term 5. | A.), and any other relevant details to ensure that we can provide prompt assistance

We recommend that you include as much information as possible to avoid any delays and to help us understand the nature of the problem you are experiencing, allowing us to provide you with the best possible assistance.

You can also reach the Customer Support Team/Sales Team by e-mail (Support).

Otherwise, use our Live Chat widget on the bottom left corner for a quick general sales chat (available in Business Days/within Working Hours).

Business Days: (Monday-Friday) (UTC +1).

Working Hours: 7:00 AM-9:00 PM.

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