How to check your Linux OS Server Specifications (Memory/CPU/Disk/Network) - Official Help Center

How to check your Linux OS Server Specifications (Memory/CPU/Disk/Network)

Recently Updated Updated on 2024-01-06

In this quick article, you will learn how to check the specifications of your Overlaxed Linux OS Server(s) that is running on a Linux Distro OS. You will be able to check the Memory, CPU, Disk, and Network details of your server. This information can help troubleshoot any performance issues your server might be facing or simply keep track of its resources. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can gain a better understanding of your server's capabilities and make informed decisions regarding its management and maintenance.

Checking Memory Specifications (dmidecode Method)

Open the Terminal and type the following commands as Root for any installed OS:

For Debian or Ubuntu:

apt install dmidecode

dmidecode --type 17

For Fedora Linux:

dnf install dmidecode

dmidecode --type 17

For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky Linux:

yum install dmidecode

dmidecode --type 17


zypper install dmidecode

dmidecode --type 17

Checking CPU Specifications (dmidecode Method)

Open the Terminal and type the following commands as Root for any installed OS:

For Debian or Ubuntu:
(If not already installed): apt install dmidecode 
dmidecode -t processor

For Fedora Linux:
(If not already installed): dnf install dmidecode
dmidecode -t processor

For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky Linux:
(If not already installed): yum install dmidecode
dmidecode -t processor

(If not already installed): zypper install dmidecode
dmidecode -t processor

Checking Disk Specifications (lsblk Method)
Open the Terminal and type the following commands as Root for any installed OS:

For Debian or Ubuntu:
apt-get install util-linux

For Fedora Linux:
dnf install util-linux-ng

For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky Linux:
yum install util-linux-ng

zypper install util-linux-ng

Checking Network IP and Specifications (ip a / Method)

For Debian or Ubuntu:
Check Network interfaces: ip a
Install Speedtest: apt-get install speedtest-cli
Test Network speed/ping: speedtest OR speedtest -simple

For Fedora Linux:
Check Network interfaces: ip a
Install Speedtest: dnf  install speedtest-cli
Test Network speed/ping: speedtest OR speedtest -simple

For CentOS/RHEL/Oracle/Alma/Rocky Linux:
Check Network interfaces: ip a
Install Speedtest: yum install speedtest-cli
Test Network speed/ping:  speedtest OR speedtest -simple

Check Network interfaces: ip
Install Speedtest: zypper install speedtest-cli
Test Network speed/ping: speedtest OR speedtest -simple

If you're using a Server with Linux OS, there are several commands you can use to check its various specifications. One such command allows you to obtain information about the server's RAM, network, and other details.

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