Home Linux Server Type (Linux/OS Apps)

Created on 2024-01-06

In this quick article, you will learn how to check the specifications of your Overlaxed Linux OS Server(s) that is running on a Linux Distro OS. You will be able to check the Memory, CPU, Disk, and Network details of your server. This information can help troubleshoot any performance issues your server might be facing or simply keep track of i...

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Created on 2022-06-28

Many OS Options AvailableBesides Windows, Overlaxed provides a range of Linux and Application Operating Systems to choose from. These options offer a variety of features and functionalities to cater to different user requirements and preferences, including but not limited to:UbuntuCentOSDebianAlmaLinuxRockyLinuxFedoraopenSUSEArchLinuxOpenVPN ...

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