How to fix Windows Account Lockout Policy issue?

Created on 2024-01-09 Updated on 2024-03-27

Have you been encountering an error message that reads "As a security precaution, the user account has been locked out because there were too many logon attempts or password change attempts. Wait a while before trying again, or contact your system administrator or technical support." while attempting to log in to your Windows Server using Remote Desktop (RDP) with the root/Administrator account? Not to worry, as we have a solution for you. In this article, we will guide you on how to disable this feature and fix this issue.

Quick Step-By-Step Solution

If you're facing difficulty in accessing your Windows Server due to account lockout, you can follow these steps to disable the account lockout policy:

  1. First, wait for your Server to allow access again and connect using Remote Desktop.
  2. Once you're connected, search for "Edit group policy" on your Windows Server.
  3. Navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Account Policies > and click on "Account Lockout Policy".
  4. Double-click "Allow Administrator account lockout" on the right sidebar section and check "Disabled", then click "OK". After that, find "Account lockout threshold" on the same right sidebar section and double-click it. In the "invalid logon attempts" field, write "0" to disable it, click "Apply", and click "OK", "OK".
  5. Double-click "
  • This will disable the account lockout policy and allow you to access your Windows Server without any hindrance.

Great job! You've disabled the Windows Account Lockout Policy. Now, connect to your Windows Server without being locked out again.

If you are still encountering an error message indicating that your user account has been locked out while not being able to log in to your Overlaxed Server, please don't worry. Simply submit a ticket and we will gladly assist you in resolving this issue. We understand the importance of getting back access to your Server(s) as soon as possible, and we'll work diligently to help you regain access ASAP.

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