Does the Overlaxed Company Offers Privacy-Protected Cloud Solutions? - Overlaxed's Official Help Center

Does the Overlaxed Company Offers Privacy-Protected Cloud Solutions?

Recently Updated Updated on 2024-01-06

Overlaxed Business LLC, holds the privacy and confidentiality of our client's personal information in the highest regard. Our organization has implemented strict policies and procedures to ensure that all data is treated with the utmost level of security and respect. We unequivocally guarantee that under no circumstances will we share any personal information with any third-party entity. Our commitment to excellence in all aspects of our operations is unwavering, and we remain dedicated to preserving your trust and satisfaction.

Some of the information our systems collect from you is:

  • Your email address
  • Account Password
  • Name
  • The service information of the Cloud Solutions offered, including the Cloud Computing
  • Your activity while you were using our services

The information we collect serves several purposes:

  • A. To safeguard both Overlaxed Business and its users and customers from potential security threats.
  • B. To gain insight into user behavior and tailor our services accordingly.
  • C. To provide personalized experiences, assist customers, and prevent any misuse of our services.

All data collected is anonymized to ensure that no personally identifiable information is stored. We employ rigorous security measures to keep all data confidential and secure on our hosted servers. If you have any questions regarding our data handling practices, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Please note the following information for future reference:

Question: Will my experience be affected while using a Cloud Solution offered/sub-branded by the parent company Overlaxed (e.g. a Cloud Computing service)?

Answer: Your experience will not be affected, as you will continue to use our Cloud Computing Service in a completely anonymous and private manner, without any interference or intrusion from unauthorized parties, which we do not allow under any circumstances.

Question: Do I need to be concerned about your Privacy Policy and Practices?

Answer: Absolutely not. Our services and company have been designed to be privacy-protected at the core, providing our users with complete freedom to remain anonymous (without exaggeration, as this can lead to negative consequences).

Question: I'm new to Overlaxed, but I am still unsure about using it due to privacy concerns.

Answer: There is no need to worry. If your concern pertains to a Cloud Computing service (Server Plan) or our Sub-brands Cloud Solutions that you wish to purchase and use, rest assured that no one other than yourself, our systems hosting the service, and special support departments (In case of any support intervention) will have access to it, unless you authorize someone else (3rd party) to do so. Additionally, we take additional measures to protect your server against common attacks such as DDoS and advise that you keep your service information (e.g. Server IP, Username, and Password) secure and private and do not share it with anyone, even the close ones unless you fully trust them.

Question: I have an additional question, how do I receive an answer?

Answer: If you have any questions or concerns, you may open a ticket or contact us at [email protected].

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