Why Windows servers are often referred to as "RDP" "RDPs" instead VPS? - Overlaxed's Official Help Center

Why Windows servers are often referred to as "RDP" "RDPs" instead VPS?

Recently Updated Updated on 2024-01-06

If you are new to server hosting, you may have come across the terms "RDP" and "VPS" and wondered what they mean. RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol, which is a method of accessing a remote desktop over the internet. On the other hand, VPS stands for Virtual Private Server, which is a type of hosting service that allows you to have your own isolated virtual environment on a shared physical server.

Our customers, both new and existing, often refer to our Windows Servers as "RDP(s)".

To avoid any confusion, we would like to clarify that our servers are still considered Virtual Private Servers (VPS) and run on the Windows/Windows Server Operating System. It is possible to access these servers using a Remote Desktop program (or RDP), which is why they are sometimes referred to as "RDPs." directly, instead of Windows VPS Servers.

To learn more about the difference between the two terms, you can read up on it further in this article.

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